Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I don't believe it myself

...but I bought a size 6 today. Several, actually. All of a sudden, those last 15 pounds seem more important to lose than ever. There is no better motivation than actually seeing the fruit of self-control in the mirror.

After taking A to school this morning, I wanted to go home and sleep but I went to the lab at the mall for blood tests and then thought it best to see if I could buy a pair of jeans that actually fit, seeing as we are going away next week and I would never be able to survive with only the 2 pair of baggy britches that don't yet fall off me (bought on clearance at Wal-Mart for my "transition" size).

I had a great salesperson who helped me chose the best cut and fabric, nixed the sweater that "washed me out" and kept bringing smaller sizes for me to try. By the time I left, I had three outfits, was wide awake and drove straight to the gym where I proceeded to actually RUN on the treadmill (briefly) and walk for 30 minutes. I also do a full weight circuit and when I have time, swim a few laps in the pool. It's all topped off by a soak in the hot tub.

Our body is a temple, so we're told, and mine was just rennovated. Still have a lot of toning and firming to do - and that will be the longer haul in this body de-clutter. Two-piece swim suits will not be on my wish list.

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