I had a day off but it is simply enjoying work in a different location. This is yesterday's calendar. Most Tuesdays are similar.
- do morning chores
- drive son to bus stop
- go to church for apprentice coaching
- observe one of our leaders' small group
- attend meeting to debrief
- take a permission note to school
- go to appointment downtown
- go home to get change of clothes for son
- go to arena to pick up hockey gear
- go to school to pick up son (early)
- drive to Northeast Sportsplex (other side of town)
- make connections with hockey parents during practice
- drive back to my side of town to get skates sharped
- listen to son plug the merits of new custom order hockey pads @ $1,800
- go home, make supper, eat in 10 minutes
- prepare birthday gift for good friend
- help son stop stressing about whether the pads we haven't yet decided to order should be 36" or 37" high (testosterone!!! what poison!)
- go to life group on other side of town
- go home to chores
- check email
- fall into bed
- wake up only 2 minutes later (at least that's what it felt like) to find it's morning.
I loved every minute of it. :-)
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