Sunday, July 01, 2007

Prayer for Canada

Our dear Heavenly Father, we lift our nation before you.

We pray that you would guard the choices of our leaders,
May they submit to your Lordship in how they govern
as they craft the laws of our land.

We pray that you would guard the integrity
of those who enforce these laws.
May they be fair and true, exercising your justice
as they protect and serve the people.

We pray you would guard the values of our educators,
as they shape the hearts and minds of our children.
May they be tuned to impart your wisdom
and train up great leaders for the next generation of our country.

We thank you, Lord, for those citizens who were not born in Canada,
but have chosen to make this nation their home,
blessing us with the rich diversity of their background and experience.

And now, Lord, we the people of this nation,
we the people who are the nation
come before you to ask that you would guard our hearts
and guide us by your Spirit.

May we live responsibly in the use of our natural resources,
be faithful stewards of our personal possessions,
and behave respectfully toward the law and those who enforce it.

Enable us by the power of your Holy Spirit to share your love;
in humility, eager to do your will
and ready always to care for those in need.

We kneel at the hearth of our home, at the threshold of our country.
We commit ourselves to your Lordship
so that we may truly stand on guard for Thee.

© Joyce Harback, July 1, 2007


  1. That needs to be read out loud somewhere ...

  2. I especially liked the part of praying for the educators of our children... I have 2 teens and I am a special needs educator... Your words are uplifting to our God and his people. Thank you!

  3. This was the essense of what I prayed during our services this weekend.

    1. I read it and prayed it as a prayer. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your gift with us.

    2. You're welcome. I received it as a gift and gifts are multiplied when they are shared! "Soli Deo Gloria" - Glory to God alone.
