Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Moving toward chaos

Two years and four months ago I started this blog. At that time I was not employed outside the home. By choice. In November 2005, I began a "get healthy" program. It was very successful.

Then, I went back to work.

Do you know how much time working 30 hours per week takes?

It takes 13 minutes twice a day to get there and back. It takes 2 hours per week laundering and dry cleaning my clothes I wear there. It takes almost as much time shopping for clothes. It takes an extra 30 minutes getting ready each morning.

In addition, it takes emotional energy and physical energy and spends it at a far greater rate than the rate at which it is replenished. Spend 18 months doing that and, instead of "moving toward quiet... learning to be content..." (as in my original profile), you have "too busy, not enough time and even less patience."

Be still and know that I am God.

I would like to. Let me check my calendar. I can fit You in a week from Thursday between 2 and 3 pm.

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