Monday, March 14, 2011

The Current Buzz

Writing at Starbucks is unique. Jazz on the sound system, hubbub of voices, cacophony of barista sounds: steaming milk, banging out coffee grounds, the breeze from outside wheezing in and around my feet with every door opening, the heating system drafting past my ears, chilling my shoulders, the loud hum of air fans and refrigeration units.

To some this is chaos, to others harmonious white noise. It is a conscious choice to block it out and in that blocking, focus on what is in front of me to do: write an article on popular leaders who have forgotten their manners and begun to publicly sting one another with tweets and blogs ranging from sarcasm to outright disdain.

In this context, I am trying to be neutral. This will get me the derision of some and the respect of others. No matter what the opinion of others, if I can shed a light on Big Boys Behaving Badly and bring a quiet voice into the mix, perhaps a few innocent worker bees will be spared the gut-wrenching controversy of feeling like they are supposed to take sides.

Because, at the end of the day, if we have not behaved as Jesus, then how can we say we are one of His? Jesus is the one who asked the hard questions, made the "blasphemous" statements (according to the prominent religious leaders of his day) and associated with sinners.

I know whom I have believed. He is able to defend his own name. In the current Twitter storm, some impulsive modern disciples, like Peter, have swung their 140-character swords in fear. There is a bigger plan, and your part in it is to examine yourself "whether you are in the faith." (2 Cor. 13:5) But you say, "What about him?" and Jesus replies, like he did to Peter, "What is that to you? You follow me." (John 21:22b)

Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. 2 Cor. 13:11

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