Thursday, January 03, 2019

Capture Your 365

My big camera has been set aside for a while, due to limitations in equipment, skill, time, and desire. My iPhone snaps my life daily. But as I sorted through my 2018 Joy Jar, and began logging the memorable events, it was a burden. I'm still not done.

As a free spirit, not given to routine, I've had enough experience to know how helpful routine can be in some cases. It is most helpful and beneficial in meeting deadlines and reaching worthy goals. This year, two things have helped direct me to a suggested routine. My daughter-in-love did a One-second-per-day video which I found intriguing. Then this week, while editing and purging last year's pictures, with a view to printing a "year book" of memories, I came across the January calendar list of prompts for Capture Your 365 (#cy365), a photo-a-day movement, with "inspiration and ideas to support your everyday photography."

I already do this loosely. I'd be hard-pressed to find a day (since I got my first digital camera in 1992) when I haven't taken a snapshot of something. The 54,673 files in my Photos app are true proof of this. That's 150 years of one photo per day. Six photos for every day I've owned a camera. More than anyone needs to keep or see. It's overwhelming evidence of how I pay attention.

The purpose of #cy365 is different for everyone. Some want to improve their photography skills, practice a technique or theme, or log the days. This year, my purpose in choosing #cy365 is to document the everyday. The #cy365 site provides calendar prompts, which I may or may not use. I will post them on Instagram, so if you're interested you can follow along at @north59lite, and I will also occasionally blog about them here. That's about as much of a commitment as I can make at this point.

If you'd like to do this yourself, here's the website with all the details. Happy photo-ing!

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