Saturday, September 01, 2007

Why is it called a dead line?

It's finished. The 24 page magazine of opportunities. I had the privilege of writing and/or editing it all and I loved every minute of it.

There is a weariness in work well done that is its own poignant reward for extensive labour. Sacrifice is softened, frustration forgotten in the glow of "You did a really good job on this."

Moving beyond relief to satisfaction, the affirmations are my reward:
"You bring good words to life,"
or from the one who said with incredulity:
"You've given us more input than we've ever had before"
and from the man in charge:
"You need to know that you are doing a great job and I for one am grateful for your willingness to take this on."

Ahh, the glow in my face over the weekend may not be just from the late summer sun....

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