Friday, November 30, 2007

Poetry Class Assignment #6

Write a poem about a person in your family, she said.

Bully Bag-o-Bones

We taunted you as we sang it

while you stood at the head of the beach
counting down from 10
to get us to come.

Dad was too busy, so

You got the job
………keeping the younger seven in line

using jokes and puns to try to keep it interesting

Dad's confidant, best friend,
………you did as he bid
serve, honour, obey.

Always the faithful son.

You stood at the back of the pack,
hummed the pitch
………to start us singing
Picked the hymn
………to keep us singing
Quoted the scripture
………to keep the program flowing
Researched the best roads
………to keep us driving
Contacted the churches
………that kept us traveling

You paused your life
to corral ours, support Dad’s
And you are there still

Pastor of his church
Self-publisher of his poem collection

Your Father’s son.

My hero

1 comment:

  1. What a great tribute to a big bro. (And what a cute picture!)
