We attended a pre-conference all-day intensive learning session today. Dr. Grant Mullen corrected a great deal of faulty thinking about the nature of depression, anxiety and mood disorders. A former anesthetist turned therapist turned speaker, he was informative, humorous and interesting. He also addressed the issue of why we don't and why we should talk about this in the church. Straightforward and incredibly practical.
In the main session, Brenton Brown led worship (composer of many of our favorite worship songs like Everlasting and Reign in Me). Then Erwin McManus spoke. Rock my world.
After the main session, MercyMe began their concert. Amazing in itself. The 6 week old daughter of lead singer, Bart, is in hospital and nearly died this week from a respiratory virus (RSV). She's done a complete turn and will be coming home tomorrow. He joked about being the band known for funeral songs (Homesick, Imagine, Finally Home) and then they plowed into an upbeat new tune "Oh, It's Gonna Be Alright."
Yes, it was all right. The entire day was a true balm on our lives. Consider coming to BreakForth next year. Nothing compares to spending the day being informed, encouraged and inspired and then joining with 6,000 other voices to sing love songs to Jesus.
Aren't you blessed! We had posters for this up in our church. The lineup looks amazing!