Monday, August 13, 2012


I have been taking a "Photo A Day" based on prompts from a woman in Australia. I've linked it together with my gratitude list because I'm a slow learner and need all the routines and reminders I can find to help me remember.

More than that, I have poor eyesight when it comes to seeing and recognizing the gifts I have right in my hand. My camera lens or my iPhone shutter helps bring blessings into focus.

Today's prompt was "simple". Not at all concrete like "glasses" and "purple" and "ring". I figured it would eventually present itself. And if not, well, I'd skip a day. There are no rules.

On my break "simple" surfaced again and I looked up. Outside my door I see the simplest shape of all. Two straight beams, crossed.

I snapped a photo of the simple cross and started the mobile upload. The caption reads

Photo A Day, Aug. 13: 'Simple' - 305 of 1000 Gifts: salvation, free to all who ask.

I look at it again. Ask? No. It's offered to everyone. All I have to do is accept the gift. Receive it. So I change the caption.

" to all who receive"

Tonight, after a rough day and rougher evening, due mostly to inner turmoil, I realize this simple salvation starts happening the moment I receive it. I have been pushing back at God. Holding my fingers in my ears. Moving away, hiding. Naming the gifts but refusing to really thank the giver.

Every day I need saving. I need to be saved from selfishness and discouragement; from arrogance and pride; from foolish choices and wasted time. But I have to let God save me.

Salvation is through Christ alone.

Receive it. Remember.



1 comment:

  1. Beautifully, wonderfully, simply put. Thank you Joyce for sharing this, for sharing your journey, four being authentically, beautiful you.

    Love you!
