Sunday, November 27, 2005

It was American Thanksgiving weekend

I am thankful for nearly 25 years with my dear huggy.

I am thankful for his company benefits.

I'm thankful we could hang the outdoor lights today, just before the snow started to fall.

I am thankful that most suffering is temporary and that we learn and grow from it.

I am thankful for my mother-in-love with whom I can share my blessings and burdens.

I am thankful for my dear son, for his health, for his mind, for his athleticism, for his musicality, his humour and his love.

I am thankful that Jesus is my Saviour, because I need saving from myself every single day, and he gives me a hope and a future. (isn't it funny, the song on my ipod right this minute is "Thank You Lord")

I am thankful for Bernadette, my dog-daughter, whose warm quiet presence warms my heart and body every day.

I am thankful for my best friend Melora who cares enough to tell me the truth and loves me as I am but doesn't let me stay that way.

I am thankful for my computer which connects me to those I love.

I am thankful for Dr. Bernstein

I am thankful for Creative Memories which helps me purge my photos and preserve the best.

I am thankful for Flylady, who has helped me learn all the things about managing my home and life that my mom was not able to get into my head.

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