Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Call

This may be trivial in the scratch of life and in the perspective of eternity, but it's big in our house at this moment.

A has been called up to play on the next higher level team in his hockey association. Both goaltenders on that team are apparently injured. He'll be in net against the #1 team in the division who will be moved up to the top division for the second round of games after Christmas because they are undefeated and have scored more than twice the number of goals this season than any of their opponents. The team who called up A has already lost to this team once before in a 7-2 decision. As a mom, I'm feeling like I'm sending him as the sacrificial lamb. Coming off his first shut out Sunday (score 11-0), it would be humiliating to lose that badly (like other teams against this opponent: 9-0, 11-1, 13-0, 14-1).

I am praying for peace & self control for me and for presence of mind for A to do his best and give it his all. The goal is to bring joy to God's heart by our attitudes --- no matter what the outcome.

David vs. Goliath comes to mind. I like the way that one ended.

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